Sunday, April 25, 2010

Taking Photography Further

How can I turn my hobby of photography into something more, such as some side income or a summer job? I spent my April vacation week giving this a lot of thought and working on some preliminary steps. There is a lot ahead of me. I need to eventually buy more equipment, need to learn business information, need to improve my editing skills with Photoshop, and need to learn a better way to organize/tag/store my photos. However, underlying all of it, I need to keep improving my photographs. Oh, and I need to stick with it and make time for it. Since I like to write I thought I might blog about what I learn and the steps I take. It will either help keep me on track or bog me down...let's see!

1 comment:

  1. Kathleen -- your pictures are great! Good for you for doing all of this. I'm impressed. Let's catch up soon.

    - Nicole
